Building a Proper First Aid Kit

One of the most overlooked items on every preppers list is first aid, which also happens to be one of the most important. I mean I get it, you cannot last very long without water and food, but how is it going to be when you don’t have the means to treat a cut which leads to an infection that can get nasty quick. Whether its at home, the workplace, your vehicle, range bag, or bug out bag a first aid kit should always be included.
Now the location of the first aid kit could alter its contents. A range bag first aid kit is going to heavily focus on potential range related injuries such as gunshot wounds and related traumas. Your home first aid kit is most likely going to be much larger and more extensive that your bug out bag kit.
With that being said, the basic contents of a first aid kit are going to be similar no matter the situation, then you can make the necessary adjustments based on situation and your family’s needs.
Here at JTP we are providing you with a jumping off point. This is not intended to be the end all be all of checklists, but it is enough to get you started and covers majority of first aid event possibilities.
Basic First Aid Items –
- Band-Aids (Variety)
- Liquid Bandage
- Medical Tape
- Waterproof Tape
- Coban Wrap
- Gauze Pads (Variety of Sizes)
- Roll Gauze
- Triangle Bandages
- Butterfly Bandages
- Steri-Strips
- Ace Bandage
- Alcohol Prep Pads
- Antiseptic Wipes
- Iodine Wipes
- Wet Wipes
- Antibiotic Ointment
- Colloidal Silver Gel
- Anti-Itch Cream
- Burn Gel
- Pain Relief Cream
- Sunscreen
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Eye Drops
- Nasal Spray
- Chapstick
- Aspirin
- Advil
- Tylenol
- Anti-Diarrhea Medicine
- Laxative Medicine
- Antacid
- Cold Medicine
- Allergy Medicine
- Cough Drops
- Clotting Agent
- Chest Wound Seal
- Israeli Bandage
- Non-Latex Gloves
- Hand Sanitizer
- Medical Scissors
- Tweezers
- Nail Clippers
- Thermometer
- CPR Mask
- Instant Cold Pack
- Safety Pins
- Flashlight/Headlamp
- Extra Batteries
- SAM Splint
- Finger Splint
- Tourniquet
- Tongue Depressors
- Dental Floss
- Cotton Balls/Pads
- Cotton Swabs(Q-Tips)
- Feminine Products (Pads/Tampons)
- Moleskin
- Hand Warmers
- Emergency Blanket
- Lighter/Matches
- Whistle
- Emergency Light Sticks
- Super Glue
- Duct Tape
- Pen/Pencil
- Notebook (Write in Rain)
- First Aid Handbook
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