Not to be all doom and gloom, but the Great Reset is coming. To what degree we don’t know, but in some form it will happen. In Podcast #68 we are discussing what we can do to combat the effects of the great reset in our lives. As preppers we are always looking to the future, but this needs more than just beans and rice. We need to start looking at ways to provide for ourselves.
The Great Reset is not some off the wall conspiracy theory, it’s real and it’s coming. On Podcast #67 we discuss some of the World Economic Forum’s plans for the great reset and what we can to minimize the effects in our lives. While we may not be able to stop this impending global catastrophe, we can take actions to manage its consequences in our lives. Start now before it’s too late!
While the weather outside might not be screaming gardening, the calendar is telling you it’s getting to that time. As we inch closer to our last frost dates we need to start preparing for spring, it will be here before you know it. That is why on podcast #66 we are talking about some of the items we will be trying in our garden for the first time this year. It’s always a great idea to venture out and try new things and your garden should be no different. Why not try a variety you can’t get at the local grocer or the farmers market? All items we discuss are from Baker Creek Whole Seed Catalog.
On the 65th edition of the podcast we are taking a look at what we can be doing to prepare ourselves for spring. The weather may not be ideal for planting but soon enough it will come and when it does you want to be prepared. Make your sping plans now so you have a leg up going into the season. Don’t let the time run out and miss an opportunity to provide for your family.